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Basic computer skills, as characterized by the ICAS Computer Skills Assessment Framework incorporate Internet and email, Computers, word handling, designs, and interactive media, and spreadsheets.
Students apply for this Basic course during the second year education, or after the completion of the SSC Board exam. It offers you 1-month course regarding all the basic knowledge of the computers. It can help to keep accounts details at the basic level as well as to work on your school/college projects like Presentation or word file with different creativity.
Basic Skills that will help you get hired:
- Microsoft Office.
- Spreadsheets.
- PowerPoint.
- Microsoft Access.
- QuickBooks.
- Email.
- Web and Social Skills.
- Graphics and Writing Skills.
Microsoft Word is a basic efficiency instrument for both business and individual utilize. Make and alter proficient records that can without much of a stretch be shared on the web. Or then again, learn propelled methods to enable you to break down information, create layouts and robotize forms.
Brainpoint has this course to enable you to figure out how to utilize Microsoft Word and quicken your abilities in archive creation and word handling. Every single method educated by Microsoft Certified Trainee.
Basic course covers varieties of topics under this word section:
- New Microsoft Word highlights
- Step by step instructions to make, alter, spare and work together on records
- Arranging writings and passages
- Working with tables, sections, and other designing highlights
- Making illustrations, WordArt, diagrams and content stream
- Creating Microsoft Word record layouts
- Propelled highlights including mail blend, macros, record forming, and sealing apparatuses
Topics that get cover by Microsoft word Course:
- Examine word processing concepts and explore the Microsoft Office Word environment.
- Create a new document.
- Open, save and print a document.
- Edit and format text.
- Change the page layout, background, and borders.
- Insert headers and footers.
- Insert and edit tables.
- Insert clip art and pictures to documents.
- Perform a mail merge.
- Share and review shared document files.
In this free Excel instructional exercise, you will take in every one of the tips, tricks, shortcuts, functions, and formulas you need to be a power user. This basic Excel course is structured particularly for spreadsheet clients who are as of now performing a proficient money related examination and budgetary demonstrating or are seeking prep for a divider road profession.
You’ll see the capacities and equations getting more modern and the nature of money related investigation and budgetary demonstrating ending up much higher. Brainpoint centers on back particular recipes that you’ll use as an examiner performing the monetary examination at work.
BASIC Microsoft Excel:
- Spreadsheet basics
- Creating, editing, saving and printing spreadsheets
- Working with functions & formulae
- Graphically representing data: Charts & Graphs
- Analyzing data: Data Menu, Subtotal, Filtering Data
- Working with functions & formulae Formatting worksheets, Securing & Protecting spreadsheets
ADVANCED Excel Course Contents:
- Formulas & Macros Formulas:
- Use the Function Wizard, Common functions
- Nested functions , Name cells /ranges /constants
- The relative, Absolute, Mixed cell references : >,<,= operators
- Logical functions using IF, AND, OR, NOT
- The LOOKUP function, Date and time functions, Annotating formulas
- Data Analysis:
- Sub Total Reports, Auto Filter
- Password Protecting Worksheets
- Linking Multiple Sheets
- Sheet Referencing
- Linking Between Word/Excel/Ppt
- What-if-analysis
- Reporting
- Character Functions
- Date Functions
- Age Calculations
- Consolidation of Data
- Data Validation
- Enter the Pivot Table Data
- Create the Pivot Table
- Adding Data to the Pivot Table
- Filtering the Pivot Table Data
- Change the Pivot Table Data
- Analyze Data Columns in Pivot Tables
- Adjust Data to Analyze
- MACRO’S (Int):
- Macros
- Definition and use, Record a macro
- Assign a macro, Run a macro
- Store a macro, Introduction to VBA Prog.
- Develop the Worksheet:
- Plan a worksheet, Row and Column labels
- Split worksheet /box /bar, Copy data and formulas
- Display /move toolbars, Enhance worksheet Appearance
- Special Operations:
- Use multiple windows: Copy/ paste between Worksheets
- Link worksheets, Consolidate worksheets
- Import and link from other Applications
- Use AutoFormat: Create, use and modify styles and templates
- Print features: Create /edit an outline
- Graphics Operations:
- Create charts, Enhance charts, Drawing toolbar features
This course is all about presenting the story of the data, using PowerPoint. You’ll learn how to structure a presentation, to include insights and supporting data. You’ll also learn some design principles for effective visuals and slides and gain skills for client-facing communication – including public speaking, executive presence, and compelling storytelling. Finally, you’ll be given a client profile, a business problem, and a set of basic Excel charts, which you’ll need to turn into a presentation.
The basic course will teach you how to create effective slides using PowerPoint. Where you’ll learn about the tools available within PowerPoint, how to structure your storyline, create storyboards, identify primary elements of slide design, display data and finalize your slide presentation. There is a peer review activity where you will apply the skills learned and create a storyboard. Finally, you will also get a chance to identify errors in a presentation to test your knowledge of standard industry practices.
Topics that get cover by Microsoft PowerPoint Course:
- Examine slide show presentation concepts and explore the Microsoft Office PowerPoint environment.
- Create a new presentation.
- Modify presentation themes.
- Add and edit text to slides.
- Add new slides to a presentation.
- Insert clipart images and shapes to slides.
- Insert and modify tables and charts.
- Add sound and video to a slide presentation.
- Insert and edit animations and slide transitions.
- Display a speaker-lead and self-running presentation.
An Internet is a worldwide Computer network giving an assortment of data and communication facilities, comprising of interconnected systems utilizing institutionalized communication protocols.
The purpose of today’s session is to learn how to use the Internet by experiencing the technology first-hand. It is designed for the novice with no prior experience. Brainpoint will explain the different parts of Netscape and let you practice your surfing skills through guided activities. You will obtain a free e-mail account and learn how to compose, send and read e-mail messages. You will learn what a mailing list is and how to subscribe and unsubscribe to one from this advanced Basic course.
The aim of this course is to provide the participant with a basic understanding of the Internet and Email and how the Internet is changing the way we communicate.